

渥太华首都中文学校隶属于渥太华卡尔顿天主教教育局,师资强大,拥有学员逾千人。该校融合西方的语言交际教学法与传统的中文教学法于一体 根据学员的需求及中国语言的特点,设计独特的教学大纲对学员进行听说读写全方位的语言培训。

渥太華首都中文學校隸屬於渥太華卡爾頓天主教教育局,師資強大,擁有學員逾千人。該校融合西方的語言交際教學法與傳統的中文教學法於一體 根據學員的需求及中國語言的特點,設計獨特的教學大綱對學員進行聽說讀寫全方位的語言培訓。


The Ottawa Capital Chinese School operates within the regulations of the Ottawa Carleton Catholic School Board. The school possesses highly qualified teachers and has trained thousands of students. Advanced teaching method is applied by integrating the advantages of the Western communicative language teaching approaches into traditional Chinese teaching approaches. The curriculum is designed in accordance with the students' needs and features of Chinese language, which intends to enhance the learner's abilities in the aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In order to accormodate the needs of the students, we also provide classes for the non-native Chinese speaker.